Sunday, 8 December 2013

Puréed spinach

I have been inspired by Master chef to do this one, they are always puréeing vegetables!  Must admit I'm not entirely taken in by this craze and I just can't understand why "foam" has lasted for so long as to my mind it's the easiest way to make sure the food comes to the table cold, but hey, I'm not a five star cook so what do I know?  Anyway, back on track, I've always been ambivalent about spinach, it's a great idea and full of iron and good things but I find it tastes too bitter, so I'm experimenting with spinach puree.  It's still got some work to do but this seems to work pretty well...

300g spinach
1 dessertspoon of double cream
1 teaspoon butter
A pinch of salt
A pinch of allspice

Rinse the spinach well to get rid of any grit then put it into a heatproof bowl.  Boil a kettle and pour the boiling water over the spinach making sure you put the leaves under the water with a spoon of fork.

After a few seconds drain the spinach and squeeze out the water with the back of a spoon, then add it to a liquidizer bowl.  Add the slat, allspice, butter and cream.

Whizz it up until it's as smooth as it will go then transfer to a heatproof serving dish.  Taste and adjust for seasoning.

Just before serving, put it in the microwave and blast it for 30 seconds on high to get the heat into it then serve immediately.

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